Wow...the dishonesty from many of these posters is really just astonishing. I personally would never hire any of you guys to my business.
Just because you don't agree with the theological reasons behind a practice, that doesn't give you an excuse to lie and exagerate. God would certainly hate you lying and exagerating far more than he would you just handing in a simple record of your activities. If you pledge to do pioneer hours, then keep your word and do pioneer hours. If you only did 1 hour of preaching, then be honest and say you only did 1 hour. If you did no preaching at all, then be honest and say you did no preaching. If you did preach but just don't feel like giving anybody your record, then just be honest and say that you don't want to keep service records. It might raise some eyebrows but still, it is HONEST.
Also reminds Teary of his dear old grandfather (RIP). When I got done with his ranch chores for the day, my grandfather would ask him straight up: "how much did you work today?" Now I did not bull**** him like some people on this thread certainly would by including stupid things like: time to wake up; time to brush teeth; time to eat breakfast; time to shower; nap time; ect. No, I told him that I would work, we both understood what work meant, and so I told him exactly how much time I spent working (even if it wasn't that much).